First blog post


I started this blog after following a protocol with essential oils for 60 days. It is called Freedom Release. If you like to know more about it, please write me or let's do a 15 minute Zoom.

The beautiful picture you can see here is from a trip to india, where I marched around a mountain. When there is full moon so many people come to do the walk, that merchants start to gather aroung the pirlgrims path. One of them had these beautiful light objects, I photographed. 

Why are you doing this?

Obviously you already know that essential oils support life or are maybe interested in an alternative way to approach a disbalance in your life. It can be emotional, physical or mental - ususally it's all three...

Plants are around for a very long time. Humans ate them forever, made experiments when they were sick and after millions of years we basically found a plant for every remedy.

Then, modern medicine came along. And also new challenges for the body like chemicals, pollution and foremost the dreadful stress of modern society. What can we do to adapt to these rapid changes? The knowlegde about the healing power of plants gets lost more and more, just like many other things that became our roots and wings once. 

This blog is hopefully helping to inspire people taking responsibility for their life. Creating a purposeful life together with others. Essentially, it is you and me who can revive life, us. This is why I founded the Essentially Us-Movement.  

What do essential oils help with?

In old egypt there was a saying that I would like to loosely translate with: "there is an oil for everything".

Pointing out here right away, that I am distancing myself from any claims of healing, DISCLAIMER.

I suggest you just use the search in my blog (yes, more content is coming up...please subscribe and make me happy), or use any search engine on the internet and punch in what you are looking for, with "study" behind. Then you can find clinical research and can form your own opinion. 

Or call me to get your oily start! 

Who are you?

Being a musician most of my life I became curios in marketing. How to become visible as an artist and let people know I am here and how we can work together. Up to today I still sometimes help brands to reach their goals.

Practicing yoga for more than 30 years lead me to inquire the secrets of life, travel around the globe, culminating in the journey of inner alchemy. This brought me to India where I discovered Essential Oils.

Now I live with my wife and daughter on Tenerife, Canarias, where we spread the word about wellness, purpose and abundance.

Ping me! Let's chat about the best oils and how you can get essential oils for yourself and free your life. 


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